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Pumpkin Carving Activity with a Christian Theme

I wanted to share a pumpkin carving activity that I learned when I taught kindergarten in a religious school.  It allows the children to enjoy the pumpkin carving experience while relating it to a Christian theme.  It is perfect for those of you that have Fall or Harvest Festivals at Christian preschools, day cares, or schools.

The video instructions are below. Written instructions are available here and in this post.

Instead of cutting a hole in the top of the pumpkin, cut a heart shape in the back. Ask the students what shape you are carving. Explain that they should take Jesus into their heart and love him with their whole heart. The children may sing “Jesus Loves Me” or “Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World” while you are carving the heart shape.

Christian pumpkin carving heart

Show the children the “yucky” looking pulp inside the heart and explain that it doesn’t make the heart look very nice. Explain that the pulp is like our “yucky” sins and we don’t feel very nice when we sin.

religious pumpkin carving activity

Clean out the pulp and the seeds from inside the heart. (Children may assist in cleaning out the pulp or you may allow them to touch and smell it as you clean it out or look at it through magnifying glasses. Ask them to describe it to you. You may also take this opportunity to talk about the pumpkin seeds & planting a pumpkin) While cleaning out the pulp explain that this is similar to Jesus taking away or forgiving our sins and making our hearts clean again.

religious pumpkin carving activity

Ask how this makes the students feel (happy).  Draw a happy face on the front of the pumpkin. You may draw shapes for the eyes and nose and ask the students to name the shapes.

Christian pumpkin carving activity

Cut out the happy face on the front side of the pumpkin. While you are cutting out the happy face the children may sing “If You’re Happy and You Know It” or “Oh Be Careful Little Eyes What You See”

Christian pumpkin carving activity

Place a light inside the pumpkin and light up the happy face. Explain that Jesus is the light of the world and should light up their life. When you take Jesus into your heart it makes you feel happy, good, & pure. Sing “This Little Light of Mine”.

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Pumpkin Science

Pumpkin Learning Activities (letters, science, counting, art, games), Pumpkin Carving Activity, Pumpkin Books

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I’m Tina and I’ve taught preK and K for 20+ years. I share fun and creative ideas that spark your students’ love for learning. 


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